Many, many thanks to all of the families who contributed to the Christmas Cheer Carriers- Family Advent Service Project. There were 150+ Christmas Cheer Carriers assembled and raised money to put towards the making of additional Christmas Cheer Carriers.
To find more information about helping the homeless in the community, please visit the following: Archdiocese of Cincinnati- Lisa Averion
The toiletries are being donated to Mary Magdalen House. Click this link to learn more about their ministry: Mary Magdelen House
Many thanks to everyone who helped purchase canned good items for the Turkey Day event! The end total, after all donations were brought in and collected, was 2,200 items! Great job everyone!
To find more information about the Turkey Day event, please visit the Knights of Columbus.
The following groups of people who made the Powderpuff Football Game Fundraiser so successful: Lucy L., Ema G, and Mrs. Barhorst for organizing, promoting, and selling spirit shop items all week, the Sheidler family for making the Powderpuff Jerseys and working the concessions, the Triff family for working the concessions, the Gardon Family for purchasing shirts and paint for the coaches, decorating and setting up for the game, the teachers and staff for being the refs and supervising during the game, and all of the students and families for purchasing items and donating money to support the cause! We are very blessed to be a part of such a supportive community!
To find more information about Pink Ribbon Girls, please visit :Pink Ribbon Good